Sustainable Cities

Approach and expertise

With over half the world’s population living in cities, sustainable urban development is critical to a viable future for the planet for people and the natural environment.

We work to support cities around the world to address climate change, improve livelihoods and provide a better environment for the most vulnerable - with an emphasis on the cities where need is the highest and traditionally investment has been the lowest.

With the experience of working in Africa, Asia, Europe and the U.S. in a variety of cities - including in Least Developed Countries, rapidly urbanizing and cities with high level of vulnerability, the focus is on approaches to sustainable cities that prioritize people and the environment.

Building on work experience with UN-Habitat, Cities Alliance, CMAP, C40, GCOM and in collaboration WRI, ICLEI, IIED, SDI and UNEP, our approach emphasizes the importance of engaging with the diversity of urban stakeholders critical for catalytic change.